Basement Sump Pumps for Portsmouth, Barrington, and Dover, NH Properties

If you bought a home that has never had a sump pump, you might think you’ll get along just fine without one. However, most homes should have one of these devices in their basements or crawl spaces. A good crawlspace or basement sump pump in your Portsmouth, Barrington, or Dover, NH property becomes even more important the older it becomes. 

Do You Need a Sump Pump if It Rarely Rains?

Your home might not have a basement sump pump because the previous owners never felt a need to install one. However, an aging home will have an increasing need for the protection that a sump pump provides.

Over time, hydrostatic pressure, or the increased pressure caused by moisture in the soil, can cause foundation walls to crack or buckle. In this case, you’ll start to see more moisture in your basement or crawl space. A sump pump will protect against the flooding this process can cause.

A white pipe is sticking out of a hole in the floor.
A dirty basement with a brick wall and a concrete floor.

When your region does get heavy rain, you might experience more flooding in your basement. Without a sump pump, excess water can cause damage to the foundation walls and floor.

Even in an unfinished crawl space, water damage can weaken the structure of your home. A sump pump will remove most of that water to protect against damage and mold growth.

Protect Your Home When It Does Rain

Keep Your Basement Safe

Electrical panels, laundry machines, and other equipment are commonly found in basements. If you don’t have protection in place, such as drains and a sump pump, a small amount of flooding can inhibit your access to these areas.

Rather than having to wait for the water to recede, prevent this problem with basement drain installation from our Dover team. Let us install a sump pump before you need one.

We’ll Install an Efficient Sump Pump in Your Dover Home

In addition to basement and crawl space waterproofing for flood prevention, Dover’s NH Dry Basement also installs sump pumps. When you discuss your needs for a sump pump with us, we can also help you choose a reliable battery backup for the unit. We’re dedicated to helping you keep your basement dry, so contact us today for a free estimate!

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